Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes – September 6, 2023

Attendees: Corinne Cathcart, Annette Clark, Dick Dolinski, Fr. Rob Howe, Jim Mahoney, Jim Marinik, Jeff Paulus, Patrick Regier, Cathy Richard, Barb Warczinsky


  • Meeting began at 6:58pm
  • Barb Warczinsky moved and Jim Mahoney seconded the approval of the minutes of the June 7, 2023 Joint Pastoral and Finance Councils meeting as corrected. The motion carried.

Updates (Fr. Rob)

  • Justin Rose’s departure was an unexpected surprise but it is a very good move for him and his family. With his leaving, Corinne has agreed to take on the role of faith formation team leader. A search is underway for Justin’s replacement.
  • The maintenance situation is still in a state of flux. We are sharing a part-time person with Assumption with help on the weekends.
  • The parish picnic and golf outing went very well and we’ve received positive feedback regarding both events. A total of 23 teams participated in the golf outing. Plans are to move the date to the week of August 25 next year.
  • The Midland City Council approved the playground transfer agreement. The Diocese also has agreed with the move. The appropriate legal documents are being drawn up to facilitate the transfer. A letter in opposition to the transfer from a concerned parishioner was read to the Council as requested. A discussion ensued to explore additional sources of revenue from local foundations and civic organizations to assist with underwriting the cost of updating the playground.

Faith Formation Update (Corinne Cathcart)

Corinne described the Faith Formation program for this fiscal year. An outline of her presentation is attached which includes the new Confirmation schedule and the format for elementary Faith Formation programs. This year’s program theme is ”Kingdom Builders” — what can we do to build God’s Kingdom on earth? This topic is derived from several Catholic social teachings including the need to build a holy and just society. Jesus called us to care for “the least of these.”

There is a change in the Confirmation program. It will be a two-year program beginning at age 12 or later. We and Assumption are piloting the “Purpose” by Life Teens curriculum that’s been approved by the Diocese for use in all parishes. Elementary Faith

Formation has been designed to include kids and their parents to experience the program together. Parents are the first and most influential catechists for their children. The program will empower them to raise faithful, faith-filled, life-long Catholics. There will also be a good deal of family fun components including the Trunk or Treat evening, Euchre, a chili cook-off, game nights, and the like. This year’s outreach will be a trip to Knoxville, Tennessee.

Corinne closed her presentation with a list of important Faith Formation program dates as indicated in the attachment.

Finance Update (Patrick)

  • The parish fund balance increased by just under $28,000 year-to-date through August 31, 2023 to a total of $2.9 million.
  • Despite lower weekend collections, our revenues slightly exceeded expenses due to memorial donations, higher interest income, and lower expenses across most categories except utilities.
  • Our 2022-23 Christ Mission Appeal effort ended at 83% of our $250,000 target, about $42,000 short of our goal. Our 2023-24 goal has been increased 9.2% to $273,000. A contributing factor to this large increase is that the Diocese uses US census population and income data in their calculations rather than parish-specific information.

Roundtable Updates

  • Jim Mahoney—discuss greeters to welcome and orient newcomers to the parish
  • Jeff—we should make sure that we select the right candidate for Justin’s replacement even if it takes more time to find that person
  • Annette—the “One Week-One Street” program is in the works
  • Cathy—the women’s Christ Renews group is discerning their next steps—22 people are involved
  • Fr. Rob—we need help recruiting Eucharistic Ministers, lectors, choir members, etc. Please invite people who may have an interest.
  • The next meeting of the Pastoral Council is November 8, 2023

The meeting was adjourned at 8:03pm

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