Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
I love the story of Jesus’s first miracle at the Wedding at Cana because His humanity comes through so loud and clear throughout the story…that is, until the end. Then I noticed something I had never paid attention to before.
I love that Jesus’s first miracle is at a party and involves Him creating more wine! (Now this is a guy I can relate to!)
I love that Jesus shows His humanity when He replies to Mary’s request that He fix the wine shortage. “How does this concern affect me? My time has not yet come.” (John 2:4) I mean, haven’t we all wanted to say that to our parents at some point?! (I know I’ve heard a version of this from my kids.)
Maybe Jesus’s words reflect His nerves about beginning His ministry. God had tasked Him with saving the world, which is no small feat. At the moment, He had a comfortable, if not luxurious, life as a carpenter, a steady job He was skilled at and that was probably fulfilling. Why did His mother need to upset the apple cart right then? In the future, maybe He’d be ready…Maybe Jesus was nervous about actually utilizing His gifts. Would they measure up?
I love that Jesus realizes that maybe His mother knew what she was talking about and even though He didn’t want to, He does what she asks. He performs a miracle which has the knock-on effect of kicking off His next three years, the greatest three years of His life, His ministry. Talk about honoring the fourth commandment—honor thy father and mother– scripture Jesus would have been steeped in.
But when I read the gospel this time, I picked up something I had never noticed before, something I might love most of all about this gospel. Who were the first witnesses of Jesus’s first miracle? Mary, of course, but also the servants—poor people with no control over their lives. Think of the Christmas Story. Who were the first witnesses to Jesus’s birth? Mary, of course, but also the shepherds. Again, poor people with little control over their lives. Jesus came for all of us, rich and poor, fat and thin, powerful and weak, but He made it clear that the last shall be first (Matthew 20: 16), and with both His birth and the inauguration of His ministry, He put His words into action. With this action, His deity shines through loud and clear.
Ansley Dauenhauer, Coordinator of Elementary Faith Formation