Joint Pastoral and Finance Councils Meeting Minutes – December 13, 2023

Blessed Sacrament Parish
Joint Pastoral and Finance Councils Meeting Minutes
December 13, 2023

Attendees: Cathy Ahearn, Corinne Cathcart, Annette Clark, Dick Dolinski, Kathy Fothergill, Judy Gross, Fr. Rob Howe, Andy Pasztor, Jeff Paulus, Patrick Regier, Cathy Richard, Kristyn Russel, Barb Warczinsky


  • Meeting began at 7:17pm
  • Barb Warczinsky moved and Jeff Paulus seconded the approval of the minutes of the November 8, 2023 Pastoral Council meeting as corrected. The motion carried.

Elementary School Faith Formation Update (Corinne Cathcart)

Corinne provided an update of the Elementary, Middle School, and High School programs as outlined in the attachment (“Faith Formation”). Some highlights of the Elementary program include that 50 families with 72 youth are participating in the new Family-Centered faith formation program. At the last class of the year, the group made birthday kits that were donated to the Food Pantry. “St. Nicholas” also paid a visit, passed out candy canes, and answered questions. Among the questions, he replied that his favorite color is blue, and when asked how old he is, he answered, “very!”

Seven children celebrated First Reconciliation on December 2 and are looking forward to First Eucharist in May.

Middle School Faith Formation Update (Corinne Cathcart)

Corinne provided an update of the Middle School program as outlined in the handout. The current enrollment is 39 youth. The group baked pies for Thanksgiving baskets and volunteered as Salvation Army bell ringers. The joint (with Assumption Parish) Confirmation program will begin in January

High School Faith Formation Update (Corinne Cathcart)

Kathy Russell and Corinne Cathcart have been running the Sunday night small faith groups with an enrollment of 18 youth. The Outreach trip to Knoxville currently has 4 registered for the trip but 10 have been attending the program. Dave Pasek is overseeing the program and Melissa Kato will be going on the trip. A total of 12 youth are enrolled in the Youth 2 Youth Retreat that is run by Kathy and Kristyn Russell.

The Advent event (entire parish) had a good turnout. Twenty new wreaths were made and cookies, various crafts, and decorating Christmas cards for parish seniors rounded out the event.

Communications Update Report (Kristyn Russell)

Kristyn provided a comprehensive summary report of the metrics of the several communications approaches used by the parish. We primarily use 6 different communication channels: Facebook, Flickr, Flocknote, Instagram, the Parish Website, and YouTube. The statistical usage metrics provided in the slides for each of these are quite favorable relative to peer organizations.

Kristyn also provided a summary of the 2023 Synod update. Three listening sessions were held in March 2023 in response to the working document “Enlarge the space of your tent” Working Document for the Continental Stage. Participants were asked to reflect on the following questions: Where do you think the Church has been welcoming and hospitable? Where do you think the Church can improve being welcoming and hospitable? We had 44 participants ranging in age from 10-90.

Kristyn also reported that 9 youth who participate in the youth ministry program attended the National Catholic Youth Conference in Indianapolis November 16-19. They had an amazing time. One student shared his experience in a witness talk at XLT and adoration on December 4.

Parish Finance Report (Patrick Regier)

Net assets increased by $63,000 through the end of November despite lower weekend collections that are down $47,000 versus budget. However, expenses are lower than budget by $67,000 largely as a result of having two open job positions (High School Youth Ministry and Maintenance).

The combined Mass attendance (October count) for all three Masses was 1,017, up 26% versus October 2022 but still down 14% versus pre-COVID figures of 2019. Blessed Sacrament continues to have the highest Mass attendance in the Diocese. The total Diocese count was up 5.1% versus last year. Combined Mass attendance for the entire Midland Area Catholic Community (MACC) was 2,427, up 10% versus last year’s count of 2,208. Each sister parish experienced an increase except Assumption.

A walkthrough of the church and parish facilities by the assets team identified no major maintenance issues. Some minor improvements completed are installing shut off valves to the former school building at a cost of $8,000

The parish continues to work with the city regarding playground replacement. A property survey has been completed. We’re working with the city and the Diocese to prepare the appropriate legal documents and applications. They are planned to be completed in late January/early February of next year. We currently have received or have pledged a total of $22,000 in grants to help offset the costs associated with the playground project with a potential additional amount of ~$20,000 still pending.

Roundtable Updates

Patrick—We continue to look for a maintenance person as well as for someone to lead the youth ministry program. Please let us know if you have any recommendations.

Barb—expressed her appreciation and thanks to all involved in the education program.

Annette—summarized several Outreach activities

  • They are still collecting coats for kids
  • The team raked the large autumn leaf fall from 3 yards of people who needed assistance
  • 87 turkey dinners were prepared and delivered to Cleveland Manor and the West Midland Family Center

Cathy—The OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults—formerly RCIA) program is going well with a fairly large group of 7 (4 adults; 3 youth). There has been a request to keep the Kentwood access entrance open during funerals. It normally is but was inadvertently closed during a recent funeral.

Kristyn—announced that “Exam Snack Packs” of treats will again be made available to the youth of the parish about to embark on their final exams near the end of the year.

Corinne—reminded everyone to stop to view and appreciate the artwork displayed around the parish center that has been prepared by students in our programs.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:19.

The next meeting of the Pastoral Council is scheduled for March 6, 2024


Attendees:  Fr. Rob Howe, Patrick Regier, Pam Gandy, Andy Pasztor, Joe Dostal, Dennis Thiel, Judy Gross, Kathy Fothergill

Reported by:  Fothergill                                                        

Opening Comments: 

Pat announced his upcoming retirement and Fr. Rob said there are two candidates applying for Patrick’s job.  Fr. Rob also announced that the playground has been transferred to the city, which is in talks with playground designers.  We received some grants that reduced our outlay for transitioning the playground to the city.  Separately, the Diocese has set a high assessment for this year’s Christ Mission Appeal. 

Financial Results as of April 30, 2024:  Net Assets for the current fiscal year (which began July 1) increased by $220K as YTD total revenue exceeded expenses. Higher Weekend Collections far exceeded our expenses.  Total expenses were down versus Budget, primarily due to lower employee-related expenses.  We have filled the Maintenance worker position.  We also filled the high school Youth Coordinator position by expanding Melissa Kato’s role (she currently works with RCIA and Young Adult programs).  Lay ministers will take over working with Baptisms. YTD Weekend Collections through April were higher than Budget by $35K.  Christian Service balance for the current year to date reflects claims for emergency assistance.  

2024 – 2025 Budget Assumptions:

We will use the current year budget as the basis for planning the upcoming fiscal year budget. 

  • Weekend Collections – flat vs. Current Budget; lower than Current FY Estimate
  • Other Income – reduce by $4K, due to higher interest income
  • Salaries – Merit and COLA increase of 7%, partially offset by filling Faith Formation position internally; Effective July 1, Clergy salary and benefits will be paid by Diocese.  Parish will be recharged a flat amount per quarter.  Total charge is $67.8K
  • Medical Benefits – increase 9% (Michigan Catholic Conference guideline)
  • Non-Medical including Dental – small change from current year
  • Christ Mission Appeal payment of $45K has been built into the Budget

Patrick reviewed details of the upcoming budget.  Compared with Current Year Budget, Proposed Budget assumes Weekend Collections flat with Current Year Budget and Interest Income slightly higher than last year.  Excluding Major Expenditures, Total Expenses for the Proposed Budget are roughly in line with Current Year Budget.  Major Expenditures for the Proposed Budget are expected to be significantly lower than Current Year Budget, which includes expenses related to the playground replacement project.  The timing of the playground transition may shift the final Current Year Budget and Proposed Budget.

The Proposed Budget proposal was unanimously accepted by the Council members.

Facilities Update: 

In April, we purchased new audio equipment for the church, which will be installed in June.  The new technology will be Bluetooth compatible.  We have finalized the playground donation / replacement agreement with the City on May 4.  We received $22K in donations from the community to offset a portion of the cost of that donation.  The City will send us conceptual designs of the new playground structures. 


An Internal Control Review was conducted by the Diocese and an outside CPA firm (Marner CPA) on

May 7.  The review is routine, and reviews are being done across all parishes.  The reviewers spent a day with Pat Lautner (bookkeeper) and Patrick on reviewing invoices and reviewing procedures.  We will get a report after a follow-up meeting on May 21, which Pam, Fr. Rob and Patrick will attend.  When issued, the report will be shared with the Finance Council.

Andy made two suggestions for minor interior changes in the church.  He noted that the area near the font is relatively dark, and could benefit from improved lighting.  Also, he suggested that the collection baskets be raised higher so parishioners don’t have to bend over to add their contributions.

There will be a joint meeting of the Pastoral Council and the Finance Council on June 12th @ 6:30 pm.

 Meeting adjourned at 7:45p.m.


Attendees:  Fr. Rob Howe, Pat Regier, Pam Gandy, Andy Pasztor, Joe Dostal, Kevin Spencer, Cathy Ahearn, Kathy Fothergill

Reported by:  Fothergill                                                        

Opening Comments: 

Pat welcomed Cathy Ahearn to the Finance and Asset Council.  Fr. Rob updated the Council on the status of the 2024 – 2025 Christ’s Mission Appeal.  The Bishop has asked his staff to recalculate the targets for the contributions of the parishes.  The Diocese will reduce the overall targets and will need to look at staffing levels.

Financial Results as of December 31, 2023:  Net Assets for the current fiscal year (which began July 1) increased by $216K as total revenue exceeded expenses driven by higher Weekend Collections.  Total expenses were down versus Budget and Last Year Actual, primarily due to unfilled employee-related positions for Faith Formation Coordinator and Maintenance. It has been difficult to find a Maintenance worker who will work part-time, including weekends.  We continue to work on filling these positions. Weekend Collections through December were higher than Budget by $7K, which is a significant rebound from last quarter.  Christian Service balance for the current year to date reflects claims for emergency assistance, which have picked up in January.  In February we will issue grant payments totaling $125K. 

Mass attendance (October count for the Diocese) for all three masses was 1,017, which was up 26% vs. October 2022, but down 14% vs. 2019 (pre-COVID).  The Diocese overall count was 19,662, up 5.1% vs. last year.

Christ’s Mission Appeal 2023/2024 target set by the Diocese for the Parish reflects an increase of 9% vs. Last Year. We are currently at 64% of that target, a shortfall of $98K.  As noted above, we hope to see a reduction in our target in the next fiscal year.

Facilities Update:

The Asset Sub-Team (Joe Dostal, Dennis Thiel, Patrick Regier) conducted a walk-through of the church and parish facilities in November.  No major issues were identified.  There was a follow-up on general maintenance items.  There were some issues with church blowers, which were repaired.  Both blowers are currently working.  The boilers are checked frequently, and are certified every three years.

We continue to work with the City on the playground replacement project, including property transfer documents.  A new property survey was completed.  We applied for grants to community foundations and clubs including Strosacker, H. H. Dow, and Grace A. Dow foundations, Midland Kiwanis and Midland Rotary.  We have received $22K in donations for this project, with potential for additional contributions.  We are working with Diocese legal representation on documents/applications for the City.  We expect documents will be signed in February or March.


  • All of the former school classrooms are now in use by local non-profit organizations, including ACT Uganda, Arnold Center, and High School ministry. 
  • We continue to look for a High School Youth Minister Coordinator, which has been difficult given the timing (mid-year) of our search.
  • Father Rob suggested that we move the Asset and Finance Council meeting schedule (currently monthly between September and May) to one meeting per quarter, and add a joint meeting with the Parish Council in December.  All those present agreed with this schedule.

 Meeting adjourned at 7:45p.m.



Fr. Rob Howe, Pat Regier, Pam Gandy, Dennis Thiel, Andy Pasztor, Judy Gross, Kevin Spencer, Kathy Fothergill

Reported by: Fothergill

Opening Comments:

Fr. Rob updated the Council on the status of the playground. We are in contact with an attorney (provided by the Diocese) who will advise us on the project. We may get some grants (possibly around $30K) to offset the funds we are putting into the project. We plan to add a new member (Cathy Ahearn) to the Finance and Asset Council in the coming months.

Financial Results as of September 30, 2023: Net Assets for the current fiscal year (which began July 1) increased by $20K as total revenue exceeded expenses. Total Revenues, however, were lower than Budget by $21K, due to a decrease in Weekend Collections. October collections have improved, and we expect to close the Budget gap by December. Other Income was slightly higher than Budget due to Interest Income. Our Total YTD Expenses were better (lower) than Budget across most categories, with the exception of Faith Formation programming expenses. Christian Service balance reflects emergency assistance claim payments which were slightly lower than in the prior year, although claims have increased in October. Later this month, a team of parishioners and Fr. Rob will begin the review of grant applications as part of our Christian Service outreach ministry. We received 53 grant applications, including applications from four new groups. We plan to award a total of $125K in grants this fiscal year. Over the past 40 years, we have distributed $3M in grants for Christian Service.

Christ Mission Appeal 2023 kicked off last week. Fr. Rob sent out a special message and video last week. Parishioners should have received a mailing from the Diocese. Our parish target, set by the Diocese, is

$273,030, which is a 9% increase vs. last year.

Facilities Update:

Work Completed – Installed shut-off valves to the former school building. Gym and social hall already have appropriate shut-off valves. The City Council has approved the playground replacement project. Work in Process – Conduct walkthrough of church and parish facilities. Continue to work with the City on playground replacement project including property transfer documents.

With the help of Dick Dolinski, we have applied for grants for the playground replacement project to community foundations and clubs including Charles Strosacker Foundation, Midland Kiwanis and Midland Rotary. Organizations have pledged a total of $40K at this time. Our first meeting with City officials regarding the expected process will be on November 1.


  • We are still looking for a High School Youth Minister Coordinator.
  • Our annual contributions to Christ Mission Appeal for the last two years averaged $208K. The Diocese has given us an assessment for this year of $273K. The participation rate of CMA (cards that have been returned) in the past few years has been around 25 – 29%. While the number of returned cards has dropped, the average gift has increased.
  • Our next Finance and Asset Council meeting will be held jointly with the Pastoral Council on December 13. Pat Lautner will be making a finance presentation to the Pastoral Council on November 8. Our Council members are invited to join that meeting for Pat’s presentation.

Meeting adjourned at 7:40p.m.

Joint Pastoral and Finance Councils Meeting Minutes | June 7, 2023

Blessed Sacrament Parish Joint Pastoral and Finance Councils Meeting Minutes | June 7, 2023 

Attendees: Annette Clark, Dick Dolinski, Joe Dostal, Kathy Fothergill, Pam Gandy, Fr. Rob Howe, Jim Marinek, Lyn Pajk, Jeff Paulus, Patrick Regier, Cathy Richard, Dennis Thiel, Barb Warczinsky 

Excused: Judy Gross, Dan Kozakiewicz, Jim Mahoney, Andy Pasztor, Kevin Spencer 


  • Meeting began at 6:34pm 
  • Jeff Paulus moved and Annette Clark seconded the approval of the minutes of the April 19, 2023 Pastoral Council meeting. The motion carried. 

Opening Comments—Fr. Rob and Patrick  

  • An agreement in principle has been reached with the city of Midland to accept the Blessed Sacrament playground as city property. The city will be responsible for all maintenance, liability, and any other obligations as sole owner. The current equipment has deteriorated, cannot be repaired, and must be replaced to meet current standards and mitigate potential future injury-related liability claims. In turn, the parish will provide funds not to exceed $200,000 to purchase new playground equipment to meet existing standards including Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements. Funds will come from COVID-related federal funds that have been received from the government by the parish. This is a “win-win” situation; the city (and the neighborhood) gets the playground as part of Wallen Park and the parish no longer has maintenance, insurance, and liability risk-exposure costs. 

Faith Formation—Lyn 

  • Lyn updated the Council on the various Faith Formation programs  including the following: 
  • Cedar Point Trip—45 youth are registered to date for the trip. 
  • Outreach—Justin is leading the trip leaving on June 11 with about 17 youth who will be working on four projects including a soup kitchen and fire damage repairs. 
  •  Planetarium Trip—visit to the Delta Planetarium in Bay City is scheduled for middle school students on June 14. Faith and science will be part of the discussion.  
  • Baptisms—Baptisms are up—described as “blocks of babies!” 
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS)—VBS is coming soon. About 70 youth are already registered. The program is in partnership with St. Brigid and Our Lady of Grace.  
  • Adult Faith Formations—The program is proceeding well. 12 new small faith groups have been formed. A current project is making prayer beads. Another session of Theology By The Glass is scheduled for June 14.  
  • Corpus Christi Bike Ride—The annual “procession” will be the bike ride from the Tridge to the Cottage Creamery on June 8.  
  • Garden Stroll—Four parishioners’ houses will be open for a stroll through their gardens at the end of this month. 
  • Emily Janoch Presentation—Greg and Nancy Janoch’s daughter, Emily, is employed by CARE working on various projects assisting the poor. She has just returned from a project in Ethiopia and will be speaking about her experiences there at the Parish Center on June 27 at 1:00-2:30pm. 
  • “Kingdom Builders” will be the theme for next year’s programs 
  • Organization Changes—With Lyn’s retirement, Justin Rose will become the Director of Youth Programs and Christy Granda has been hired to be the Director for Adult Programs. She will begin on June 22. 

Finance Update—Patrick 

  • Patrick reported on Parish finances through the period ending May 31, 2023. The balance sheet increased by $652K to a total of $2.84 million largely due to a $333K payment from the federal COVID program, the $187K bequest from the Glenn Waters Estate, and higher weekend collections. 
  • The Christian Service Commission outreach balance was reduced reflecting the payment of $125K made to 50 different recipient non-profit organizations. 
  • Weekend collections through the end of May are up $75K over budget. Overall expenses are higher than the budget by $23K driven primarily by increased utility costs and a CMA deficit of between $30-45K.  
  • The 2023-24 budget was approved by the Finance Council at their last meeting in May. It calls for Revenues of $1.7 million and an “Operating” surplus (excluding Major Expenditures) of $136K. This is an increase of $11K from last year. Wages are projected to increase 6% and Benefits by 4% while other expenses are expected to remain flat. An overall budget Revenue less Expenses shortfall of $64K is planned after anticipated expenses of $136K for Major Expenditures.  

Roundtable Updates 

  • Annette—reported that “One Week, One Street” program is underway. 
  • Jim and Barb—expressed heartfelt appreciation to Lyn for all of her contributions to the parish with her many skills, competencies, and enthusiasm along with her unique joy-filled personality. They wished her well and Godspeed in her future endeavors. 
  • Barb—reported on the CRHP 17 celebration at Richard’s home and their desire to keep the effort moving forward. An 85-year-old woman is interested in participating next year. 
  • Lyn—had the last word (as usual?) 😀 She thanked the Council members for the gift of their time and for being the first line of parish support. She urged the Council to continue doing what St. Mother Teresa always advocated, viz., “do small things with great love!” 
  • The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held on September 6.  

The meeting was adjourned at 7:19 pm followed by refreshments in honor of Lyn. 



Attendees: Fr. Rob Howe, Pat Regier, Dan Kozakiewicz, Judy Gross, Andy Pasztor, Mike Erickson, Joe Dostal, Kathy Fothergill
Reported by: Fothergill

Opening Comments:

Father Rob commented on the refurbished pews and polished terrazzo floors, which look very good. Following last month’s discussion on carpet replacement, we expect the new carpet will be in place later this year. Father Rob welcomed Joe Dostal to the Council. Joe will also join the Asset subcommittee of the Council.

Financial Results as of March 31, 2022:

Net Assets increased by $26K for the first nine months of the current fiscal year. Net Revenue (excluding Major Expenditures) increased $168K. The reduction in the Christian Service Fund reflects $115K in grant payments made to 43 different organizations during the year. As a result of our tithe (10% of Weekend Collections) we have set aside $113K YTD for outreach ministries next year. Major Expenditures Fund has decreased as a result of significant projects, including repair and restoration of church pews and terrazzo floors.

Weekend Collections were $18K higher than Budget for the quarter ending in March. YTD Weekend Collections were $46K higher than Budget and slightly better than last year. Other sources of revenue were lower vs. Budget for the quarter ($17K) and YTD ($46K). Total Expenses for the quarter were below Budget, as lower than budgeted salaries and employee expenses offset higher utility costs and emergency assistance payments. Weekend Collections for the first three weeks of April remain higher than Budget.

Assumptions for Preliminary Budget (July 2022 – June 2023):

  • Weekend Collections – flat vs. Current Budget
  • Other Income – reduce by $40K, based on current year actual
  • Salaries – Merit and COLA increase of 6% (vs. 4% current year), partially offset by resource savings in Admin; will follow Diocesan guidelines for clergy.
  • Medical Benefits – increase 5%; Michigan Catholic Conference guideline 3% – 5%
  • Non-Medical including Dental – small change from current year
  • Christian Service Outreach – increase in line with higher tithe (10% of Weekend Collections)
  • Modest increase in Property and Liability Insurance
  • A payment of $40K for Christ Mission Appeal will be included in Budget

Budget timeline – Preliminary Next Year Budget will be reviewed at next Council meeting. Final version will be presented at May or June meeting.

Facilities Update:

Work completed

  • Church pews repair and restore, including terrazzo floors; started January 5, completed March 30 (ahead of schedule); cost $136K
  • Church entrance doors, replaced thresholds and sweeps; cost ~$20K
  • Parish Center air handler coil broke; insurance provided partial coverage



Attendees:  Fr. Rob Howe, Patrick Regier, Andy Pasztor, Mike Erickson, Dan Kozakiewicz, Kevin Spencer and Pam Gandy

Via Zoom:  Kathy Fothergill

Reported by: Pam Gandy

Opening Comments:  Fr. Rob once again approached the Bishop about the Virtus program with regards to the Legacy Center using the school for its programs. If the Legacy Center is allowed to use the space without the Virtus requirement they may make the move.

The Diocese is working with the parishes to see if we qualify for the Employee Retention Credit (employee payroll tax rebate). If so, the Diocese will assist us in getting the credit.

Joe Dostal is interested in being on the Council. Fr. Rob/Patrick will extend an invitation to our next meeting

The pew and floor project will be completed in the next 2 weeks, several weeks ahead of schedule.

The 11:00 outdoor Mass has ended. In the future, outdoor Masses may be scheduled but at this time none is planned.

February financial results:  Net assets increased by $50K. the Christian Service Tithe balance reflects in our commitment to increase our tithe to 10% of weekend collections.

In February, $115K in Christian Service grants were awarded to forty-three organizations. It was noted that we have been doing this program for 40 years and have donated over $3 million in grants.

February collections were $8K above budget. Year to date collections are ahead by $37K. Other revenue sources (memorial donations, programing fees and miscellaneous income) are under budget by $40K. Expenses were lower than budget. Payroll costs were lower than budget. This was offset by higher utility and emergency assistance expenses. Emergency assistance requests have increased significantly over last year.

We are three quarters through the year. It is expected that we will finish at budget or slightly above.

We have not met our Christ Mission Appeal goal for this year. We are at 81% of goal or $41K behind. Approximately 100 letters were sent to parishioners that pledged in prior years but have not contributed this year. If we do not make the goal the remaining funds will come from our Parish Fund.

Preliminary 2022-23 Budget Assumptions:

A midyear recognition award to full and part time employees ($400 and $200 respectively) in April was approved. Approximate cost was $7,900.

For this fiscal year collections were higher than budget. We will be using the 2021-22 actual collections for the 2022-23 budget.

The council approved a 6% salary increase. This will put the employees whole with respect to the 20-21 budget where no increases were made (yearend recognition awards were made). Last year the Diocese recommended 3%. Council decided on 4%. The Diocese guideline was 3.5% plus a midyear increase if possible. Council approved the 6% to take effect in July.

Medical insurance will increase 3 to 5%.

Facilities Update – Church Carpet Approval:

Bid Summary

Contractor Bid
Northeastern Paint – Saginaw, Michigan $102,689
O’Connor’s Decorating  –  Saginaw, Michigan $99,672
Everett Carpet – Midland, Michigan Did not provide

The proposals were reviewed. Three companies were asked to submit a proposal. Northeastern Paint (Saginaw) bid was $102,689. O’Connor’s Decorating (Saginaw) bid was 99,672. Everett Carpet (Midland) declined to bid. The difference in the bid amounts were discussed. Ultimately, the council decided to go with Northeastern Paint because they have their own employees (O’Connor’s uses contractors), and Northeastern Paint installed the carpet that we have, and they have employees that have the technical expertise required for our complex layout.

Melanie Evans (designer/parishioner) assisted with the color and design choices.

A motion was made to approve the Northeastern Paint bid. Mike Erickson approved, Dan Kozakiewicz second the motion. Council approved with no disapprovals.

Round Table:  Dan discussed that the leak left of the Alter is coming from the stained glass. This will be addressed in the near future.

The council went to the church to look at the carpet samples. A vote was taken, and it was decided that we would go with the olive (VS teal) option.

Meeting Adjourned at 8:30




Attendees:  Fr. Rob Howe, Patrick Regier, Andy Pasztor, Judy Gross and Pam Gandy

Via Zoom:  Cathy Fothergill

Reported by: Pam Gandy

Opening Comments:  Fr Rob had no opening comments. He will comment during the meeting.

2nd Quarter Financial Results:   Fiscal year to date (7/1 – 12/31), Net Assets increased $175 K. The majority of that was excess Weekend Collections (102K). We did receive a one-time contribution of $14K. Christmas Collection was the highest since 2016.

Major Expenditures increased by our tithe amount ($12,500) but will decline significantly as the church pew and floor projects wind out.

The School Dedicated fund was closed out. Our 2-year commitment to support a teacher at St. B’s MACC tuition subsidy ended. Currently, we have 18 students at St B’s. Many are in kindergarten and first grade. We will continue the subsidy of $1,000 per student, but that will come from the Parish Fund.

In February, the Christian Service Committee will be meeting to award $115K in service grants. For the current fiscal year, the budget was increased to 10%. The amount will increase from $120K to $175K.

Weekend collections for the 2nd quarter were better than budget by $21K. Expenses were better than budget except for repairs and maintenance and furnishing and equipment. In spite of the wintry weather, utilities were in line with the budget.

The 2nd quarter results will go out next week in Flock Notes and the Bulletin.

Christ Mission Appeal Update:  We are halfway through the 2021 appeal. Our target is $236,595 (15% increase from 2020). As of December 31,2021, we have received 73% (175K). Participation is ½ of the normal amount. We did have the same number of cards as in 2020. If we are short, we will have to pay the shortage.

A second letter was sent by the Bishop in December. At that time there was an uptick in contributions.

The plan is to conduct another drive in February by having blank cards available in at coffee and donuts.

Facilities Update:  The pew project started on 1/4/22 and is expected to be completed in 8 weeks. New carpet installation is in preliminary planning. The estimated cost is $85K. The current carpet is approximately 14 years old. We are working with an interior designer (Melanie Evans, parishioner) to assist with selections.  Under consideration are the use of 2’x2’ squares on in the pew area. That would allow for replacement of tiles as needed. The alter and step would be regular carpet. We will need Diocese approval. Council gave approval to move forward with the project.


We did have a heat issue that could have caused considerable damage. Fortunately, the original backup was able to be used.

Round Table:  There has been no tenant interest in using the school at this time. This summer we will let various nonprofits know that there is space available. Maureen Donker has offered to assist with this. At this time, the youth ministries are using the school.

They will be a meeting next week to discuss St. Vincent De Paul project. There are approximately 8 people interested in the project. I someone steps up to take the lead then we will move forward, if not we will pass. Fr Rob indicated either way was ok with him.

Meeting adjourned at 8:20.




Attendees:  Fr. Rob Howe, Patrick Regier, Kevin Spencer, Andy Pasztor, Pam Gandy and Mike Erickson Reported by: Pam Gandy

Opening Comments:  Father Rob discussed the St Vincent De Paul project and this year’s faith formation programs.

Patrick has switched to a part time roll. He will be working four days a week.

The financial statements continue to look good.

Mass attendance was discussed. At this point attendance may never come back to pre-pandemic numbers. Most parishioners will “identify as Catholic” but will only attend on Christmas and Easter (the major celebrations).

This fiscal year the high school students will be meeting in the school rather than meeting in homes.


1st Quarter Financial Results:    Net assets increased $84K. The first quarter revenue was $3K over budget.

Fr. Rob and Christian Service ministry will be reviewing this year’s grant applications.

First quarter total expenses were better than budget except service to parishioners due to the parish picnic expenses.

HVAC controls that were updated last year should pay off due to the expected increase in heating costs for this winter.

The quarterly financial report will be in the bulletin and Flock Notes the last weekend in October.


Christ Mission Appeal:   The Bishop wanted the Diocese to take control of the appeal. Originally the goal was to be a soft target (no refunds if we exceed the goal, but we would not be responsible for any shortage). That did not happen. The appeal will be runs as in the past.

This year’s target is 236,595 a 15% (30K) over last year. The 2020 program just made our target.

The year the average gift was larger, but we saw a sharp decline in the participation rate.

We will not go back to home visits, but we will be conducting a pledge drive in early 2022.


Facility Update:  The pew repair project (estimated cost $135K) and the floor refinishing will begin January 2022. It will be complete by Easter. A small section will be redone so that parishioners will be able to see the final products.

The Parish center air handler hot water coil broke. The unit was 30 years old. Reliable heating was able to repair the unit. The damage done the office ceiling was covered by insurance. We will have to pay for the repair. Total damage $6K, our part $2K.

The Church entrance doors are in fair condition. Thresholds and sweeps will be replaced. Cost $20K.

Meeting adjourned 8:15.









Attendees:  Fr. Rob Howe, Pat Regier, Dan Kozakiewicz, Pam Gandy, Andy Pasztor, Bob Gamm, Kevin Spencer, Kathy Fothergill

Reported by:  Fothergill

Opening Comments:  Father Rob recapped recent Parish events.  There were between 400 and 500 people at the Parish Picnic.  The event was a success, notwithstanding some weather issues.  The golf outing also did well, with 24 foursomes.  The Car Show had 70 cars and a good number of attendees, and we plan to repeat this event next year.

Mass attendance is still not back to pre-COVID levels.  Attendance appears to have plateaued.  We are still getting about 100 hits for the online Sunday Mass.

The Legacy Center will not be using any of our school classrooms, as had been planned.  The Diocese currently requires that any adults who work with children on Parish property take a specific child abuse training program.  All Legacy Center volunteers and employees who work with children have already undergone the review process used by Midland Public Schools, and the Legacy Center was not comfortable requiring their volunteers to undergo an additional vetting process.  Our high school Youth Ministry will use the classrooms this year.

Fiscal 2020 – 2021 Results:  Net Assets increased by $356K, driven by higher revenue from Weekend Collections and recognition of 100% of our PPP Loan as income ($246K).  Expenses across most categories were lower.  Major Expenditures Fund increased by $33K due to the ongoing budget tithe plus $200K of the PPP Loan proceeds.  These added funds covered the balance of the roof replacement project and the concrete work done on the entrances of the Parish Center and Church.  School Dedicated Fund reflects our education support for St. Brigid.  Our current year contribution of $45K will complete our two-year commitment to St. Brigid.  Parish cash reserves at the end of the last fiscal year (June 2021) were $2,195,648, an increase of 4% over the prior fiscal-year-end balance.  This amount covers approximately 12 months of Parish operating expenses.

Current Fiscal YTD Results:  Net Assets have increased by $55K.  Weekend Collections were $4K better than Budget, while other revenue sources were down slightly.  Total Expenses were better than Budget in most categories, although this favorable variance may decline as activities pick up in the coming months.

The Parish exceeded our $205,734 target for the 2020 Christ Mission Appeal by approximately $2,200, maintaining the Parish’s 25-year record of exceeding our Appeal targets.  Parish participation was significantly lower this year (30% vs. an average of 55%).  We expect the Diocese will kick off the new appeal in mid-October.  According to the Bishop, we will not have a hard target (although we may be given a “goal”).  The entire appeal process will be handled by the Diocese.

Weekend Collections:  Collections continue to track Budget, which is in line with last year Actual.  Employee Costs and Utilities are the largest Expense components of our Budget.

Facilities Update:  Project to repair and restore Church pews and floors is scheduled to start in January 2022, and take eight weeks to complete.  Estimated cost is $135K.  Church entrance doors are in fair condition.  We will replace thresholds and sweeps at an estimated cost of $20K.  Work on the main entrance doors has already been completed.  Additional projects planned for the next few years include Church carpet (2023); Roof over kitchen, hall and gym (2024); Parish Center roof (2026); School roof over classrooms (2025).

The meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.


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