President Eileen Foster opened the meeting by welcoming the 30 ladies in attendance. We welcomed first-timer Teresa Chisholm to our group. Prior to the business meeting, everyone enjoyed 15 minutes of snacks and conversation. Snacks were provided by Aimee Kopiwoda, Judy Greene, Dorothy Kociba, and Carol Osier. Connie Latuszek and Dorothy Kociba set up the refreshment table.

Happy April birthday to Sue Gibson (04/08), Maria Quereizaeta (04/10), Chris Sharp (04/20), Eileen Foster (04/23), Mary Stutelberg (04/23), Joyce Cushman (04/28), Fran Davis (04/30), and Jan Morrone (04/30).

Copies of the minutes of our March meeting were placed on all the tables for everyone to read. The minutes were previously posted to our parish website and to our FaceBook page. Secretary Elaine White announced again her resignation effective June 2024 ending six years in that role. Elaine asked everyone to consider volunteering to be the next secretary and becoming a member of the Ladies of Blessed Sacrament board. It’s a volunteer job so no need to commit for years. Try it out to see if this position would work for you. We’ll have an election in November for the secretary position. In November 2025 we’ll vote for a new president and in November 2026 we’ll vote for a new treasurer. The board decided that LBS would benefit from new ideas from additional people.

Judy Kawiecki than introduced our guest speaker Beth DeVries, founder and director of Phoenix Community Farm (PCF). The mission of PCF is to meet the basic need for fresh, healthy produce. PCF grows and shares produce on their one acre farm located at 919 Smith Rd, the site of Windover High School. This non-profit was formed in 2019 and operates with three paid positions and lots of volunteers. Phoenix Community Farm produced and donated over 29,000 pounds of produce in 2023. They also educate the public about growing, harvesting, preparing, and preserving vegetables. For further information and/or to volunteer, please go to their website at or call 989-875-9451. Judy Kawiecki then presented our speaker a check from LBS and also various gardening tools that were donated by the ladies.

Ramona Lalka then gave an update on our Tuesday, May 7th annual spring potluck lunch. All are welcome, bring a friend. More volunteers are still needed for our annual rummage sale to be held June 2nd through June 8th. Items can be dropped off on Sunday and Monday, Tuesday is reserved for sorting and pricing, Sale days are Wednesday and Thursday. Friday is half price and bag day. Please come and volunteer for any length of time. Lunch for all workers will be served each day.

Treasurer Tana Zemanek reported our current balance is $9377.95 as of the end of March. Anne Boyd then led us in a closing prayer and a bonding exercise where each person was asked to give their greatest strength. Please join us at our Spring Lunch on Tuesday, May 7th.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine White, Secretary


President Eileen Foster opened the meeting by welcoming the 29 ladies in attendance. Prior to the meeting, everyone enjoyed 15 minutes of snacks and conversation. Snacks were provided by Joanne Tanner, Sue Gibson, Linda Wilson, and Gail Schroeder. Dorothy Kociba and Connie Latuszek set up the refreshment table. Ladies were asked for prayer requests and then an opening prayer was said.

Ramona Lalka passed around a sign-up sheet for April refreshments. Ramona then thanked everyone who brought paper products and personal care items for Emmaus House in Saginaw. She reminded everyone that our annual spring potluck lunch will be Tuesday, May 7th at noon in the social hall. Mark your calendar now and please plan to bring a guest. Ramona also gave us an update on our annual rummage sale to be held 5th June through 7th June. A sign-up sheet was passed around for rummage sale workers. Items for the rummage sale can be dropped off starting Sunday June 2nd at noon.

Happy March birthday to Tana Zemanek (03/01), Char McDermott (03/15), Sharon Capriccioso (03/17), Linda Graf, Dorothy Kociba, Elaine Warakomski (all 03/22), and Rose Mikols (03/27).

Copies of the minutes of our February meeting were placed on all the tables for the ladies to read. Secretary Elaine White announced she will resign as secretary effective June 2024 ending six years in that role. Anyone interested in becoming the next LBS secretary, please contact President Eileen Foster.

Elaine White then introduced our speaker, Shannon Forshee, director of Camp Fish Tales. Camp Fish Tales is an outdoor, week long, barrier free 67 acre camp in northern Bay County. This camp provides individuals of all ages and all disabilities with opportunities to gain independence, friendship, and life-long skills. To register for summer 2024 camp sessions, go to or call 989-879-5199. Campers swim, boat, and fish every day and get a chance to participate in many other activities. Camp Fish Tales is also in need of camp volunteers ages 18+.

Linda Graf then gave an update on our funeral luncheons. New cloth tablecloths have been purchased. Perfect Potluck is used to recruit workers and to solicit food donations. Linda said we need more women to serve as leaders. Training will be provided by our current leaders. Contact Linda Graf for more info.

Treasurer Tana Zemanek reported our current balance as of the end of February is $8927.95. Tana has a complete list of income and expenses for anyone to view.

Anne Boyd encouraged women to sign-up for Christ Renews to be held April 13th and 14th. This weekend is given for women by women. You can register online at Wendy Shields asked that we encourage any high school youths to sign up for Youth 2 Youth weekend on April 20th-21st. This is a weekend of self-discovery, faith, and connection with others.

Please join us at our next meeting on Tuesday, April 2nd at 1:15 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine White, Secretary

Ladies of Blessed Sacrament (LBS) Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, February 6, 2024

President Eileen Foster opened the meeting at 1:30 pm by welcoming the 34 people in attendance. Prior to the meeting, everyone enjoyed 15 minutes of snacks and conversation. Snacks were provided by Janelle White, Connie Latuszek, Linda Graf, and Wendy Shields with refreshment table set-up by Dorothy Kociba and Aimee Kopiwoda. President Eileen then acknowledged and welcomed first timers Annette Clark (leader of Blessed Sacrament Faith in Action formerly known as Adult Outreach) and Norma Perry. Ladies were asked for prayer requests and then an opening prayer was said.

Ramona Lalka passed around a sign-up sheet for March refreshments. She thanked all the ladies who came before the start of the business meeting to enjoy refreshments and conversation. She also thanked all those who brought donations for “Aaron’s Gifts from Home”. We’re grateful for our event photographer Elaine Warakomski. Ramona then reminded everyone of our Spring Potluck Lunch on Tuesday, May 7th. Please put the date on your calendar and bring a friend.

Happy February birthday to Sherry Babcock (02/05), Carol Landis (02/06), Diane Kosal (02/24) and Jan Natonski (02/25).

Secretary Elaine White had copies of the January meeting minutes on all the tables. January minutes have been posted to our FaceBook page and to Flock Notes. Elaine encouraged everyone to take one of the LBS brochures that Kristyn Russell from the parish office made for us and to use the brochure to encourage other ladies to come to our meetings and special events.

Judy Kawiecki then introduced our first speaker of the day, Donna Clarke who is the Executive Director of Saginaw Emmaus House. Emmaus House now has five transitional living homes for safe, sober housing for up to 33 women. They only accept women coming out of prison, jail, or a 30 day rehab facility. They currently have a waiting list. Women must be sober in order to stay in one of their homes. They require all women to attend a daily 12 step meeting, meet with their therapist weekly, acquire a sponsor and recovery coach, and attend the church of their choice on Sunday. Because of this religious requirement, Emmaus House is not eligible for government funding. Donna talked from her own personal experiences. Drugs took her to hell and back. It is very difficult to get off drugs but it is even more difficult to stay off drugs. Emmaus House encourages their guests to stay with them until they are prepared to live independently. It’s a tough program where recovery comes before family at this stage of overcoming addiction. We thank Donna Clarke for updating us on Emmaus House and sharing her personal experiences with us.

Linda Graf gave an update on our funeral lunches. The parish has purchased white round tables that seat eight. We have purchased colored place mats to go on the white tables and new trays to hold the centerpieces. We’ll be looking into buying some new cloth tablecloths for the food and dessert tables.

Treasurer Tana Zemanek reported our current balance is $8855.95 as of the end of January. She has a complete report of income and expenses for anyone to view.

Tana Zemanek then introduced our second speaker Debi Bartley-Ullum, Director of Aaron’s Gifts from Home. Her son Aaron Ullum was killed in Afghanistan in 2011 and the family created this non-profit in his memory. This 501 (c) (3) organization is made up of volunteers who lovingly pack goodie boxes for our troops deployed overseas. Care packages are sent four times per year. Their biggest expense is postage for all the donated gifts.

Judy Kawiecki then closed the meeting with a team building exercise and an inspirational message.

Please come to our next meeting on Tuesday, March 5th.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine White, Secretary

Ladies of Blessed Sacrament (LBS) Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, January 9th 2024

President Eileen Foster opened the meeting at 1:30 pm by welcoming the 23 people in attendance. Prior to the meeting, everyone enjoyed 15 minutes of conversation and snacks. Eileen asked for prayer requests and then led us in an inspirational prayer. We had an abundance of snacks which were provided by Susie Rademacher, Elaine White, Elaine Warakomski, Judy Kawiecki, Tana Zemanek, and Eileen Foster.

Secretary Elaine White provided copies of our last business meeting minutes. Minutes previously posted to our FaceBook page and to FlockNotes.

Elaine then introduced Pastor Lara Freeburg from Midland First Baptist Church which is located at the corner of Washington and Sugnet streets. First Baptist and Blessed Sacrament support many of the same non-profits in our community. Pastor Lara based her presentation on the “The Women at the Well” from John 4 verses 1-42. She provided a deep explanation of this Samaritan woman’s encounter with Jesus. Pastor Lara’s explanation was impactful and thought provoking. We thank Pastor Lara for sharing her knowledge with us.

Ramona then provided an update of future LBS events. A sheet was passed around to bring snacks to our February meeting. We are happy that so many women are coming at 1:15 for our “chat & chew” prior to our usual 1:30 business meeting. Ramona thanked everyone who brought gift cards to our Christmas potluck for the Midland High Meistersingers and who brought men’s underwear and socks to today’s meeting to be donated to Midland Community Former Offenders Advocacy and Rehab (MCFOAR). We wished a happy January birthday to Gail Schroeder (9th), Indira Oskvarek (14th), Connie Latuszek (27th), and Margie Hollingsworth (28th).

Treasurer Tana Zemanek reported our current balance is $9289.57. She has available a complete report of income and expenditures for anyone to view.

Judy Kawiecki then introduced our second speaker, City of Midland Police Community Relations Officer Brennon Warren. Officer Warren’s topic was “Home Safety and Situational Awareness”. Key points were to be alert and not become complacent. Lock your doors even during the day. Get a fireproof safe for your valuables and hide the safe. Make an emergency exit plan. If possible, use outdoor cameras such as Ring. Make sure you have working smoke alarms. Become familiar with your neighbors. Don’t fall for whatever the latest internet and phone scam is. We thank Officer Warren for sharing his expertise with us.

The speaker at our next meeting will be Donna Clarke from Saginaw Emmaus House. Bring your friends and join us on Tuesday, February 6th..

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine white, Secretary

Ladies of Blessed Sacrament Minutes – Tuesday, November 7th, 2023

In the absence of President Eileen Foster, Anne Boyd opened the meeting at 1:30 pm by welcoming the 31 ladies in attendance. Before the meeting, everyone enjoyed fifteen minutes of conversation and snacks.

Ramona Lalka explained the voting for the 10 charities to which we’ll gift $1,000 each. Everyone in attendance was given 10 tickets. There were 18 charities on the ballot. The top ten vote-getters would each receive $1,000. Ladies voted, results were announced at the close of the meeting.

Anne Boyd asked any First Timers to stand and introduce themselves. Newcomers were Ruthann Fuentes, Jeanne DeMartinis, and Sue Gibson. We’re grateful for the new faces and everyone’s help. An opening prayer was said and the ladies offered prayer requests. New members were presented with the LBS brochure that Kristyn Russell from the parish office made.

Special thanks to Connie Latuszek and Dorothy Kociba for coordinating the snack table and to Isabel Viges, Laurie Babinski, Joyce Cushman, and Elaine Warakomski for bringing treats.

Also thanks to all who brought winter wear for the students of Pine River Elementary in Bullock Creek.

We wished a happy November birthday to Agnes Brewer (11/06), Betty Kubisiak (11/12), and Lucille McDonald (11/15.

The minutes of the October 3rd meeting weren’t read but copies of the minutes were placed at all the tables.

Elaine White introduced Amy Hovey, MyMichigan Behavioral Health Telehub Supervisor. Amy’s topic was “Suicide Prevention and Awareness”. Key points from Amy’s presentation: Suicide prevention is a public health issue and My Michigan Health is dedicated to the safety of everyone in our community. Over 49,000 people in the US died by suicide in 2022. That number includes 1471 deaths by suicide in Michigan. We were encouraged to listen to people and to pay attention to our loved one’s moods and behavior. It’s okay to ask someone who is struggling if they are planning to harm themselves. We were encouraged to help people feel connected and less isolated. People contemplating suicide usually feel horrendous emotional pain and a loss of hope. Unfortunately, there is a shortage of mental health counselors so it’s not easy for people to immediately get the help they need. We should call 911 if a suicide attempt has been made, a weapon is present during a suicide crisis, or if the person is out of control. Also, use the national suicide prevention lifeline which is simply 988. Thanks to Amy Hovey for her wonderful presentation.

The Ladies of Blessed Sacrament made 63 fleece-tied blankets in October. The two blanket-making sessions were a great way for everyone to work together and socialize at the same time. The blankets will be donated to West Midland Family Community Center and Midland Community Former Offenders Advocacy and Rehab (MCFOAR).

Treasurer Tana Zemanek reported that the fleece for the blankets cost $877.80. A total of $833.04 was the net profit from our cider and donut sales on two Sundays in October. We are especially grateful for a generous donation from Midland Ace Hardware “Cops and Donuts”. Our current treasury balance is $18,891.85. However, that will soon be reduced to $8,891.85 due to our $10,000 donation to 10 charities.

These are the 10 charities that will be receiving a check for $1,000:

  1. Toni & Trish House
  2. Phoenix Community Farms
  3. Shelterhouse for Women and Children
  4. Blessed Sacrament Emergency Funds
  5. Gateway Family Urgent Care
  6. Guatemalan Stove Project
  7. Saginaw Eastside Soup Kitchen
  8. Wings of Mercy
  9. The Bridge Food Center
  10. Sleep in Heavenly Peace

In closing, Judy Kawiecki led us in a quick “I am thankful for…” and an inspirational verse.

No business meeting in December but come to our Christmas potluck on Tuesday, December 5th at 6 pm. Please bring a guest, your own table service, and a dish to pass. Our entertainment will be the Midland High Meistersingers. And only if you wish, please bring a $10 food or gas gift certificate to be given to each of the singers.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine White

Ladies of Blessed Sacrament Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Prior to our business meeting, the 31 ladies present enjoyed a meet and greet over delicious snacks presented by Connie Latuszek, Dorothy Kociba, Rita Wernette, Karen Adamcik, Janelle White, and Julie Silvis. President Eileen Foster opened the meeting at 1:30 with a prayer and asked for prayer intentions from the women present. We welcomed to our group Laurie Babinski, Jeane De Martines, and Jo Ellen Strieter.

Many ladies brought personal care items to the meeting which will be donated to The Bridge Food Center located at 1539 Washington St in Midland.

Happy October birthday to Kathie Grzesiak (10/03), Mary Ann Tessin (10/10), Aimee Kopiwoda (10/18), and Janelle White (10/22).

Secretary Elaine White shared the minutes of our September meeting. Minutes have been posted on our LBS FaceBook page.

Anne Boyd passed around worker sign-up sheets for our two fleece blanket-making days in October. The first one will be on Wednesday, October 11th from 9 am to 2 pm and the second one is Wednesday, October 18th from 6 to 9 pm. Fleece for this year’s blankets was purchased from Joanne’s in January. The completed blankets will be donated to local charities in December.

Anne explained the mission of Gateway Family Urgent Care, a medical non-profit, located at 1549 Washington St in Midland.

Rita Wernette asked for additional volunteers for altar care. Please call the parish office if you can help.

Linda Graf led the “new aprons” project and modeled the finished project. Linda, Vickie Briggs, Isabel Viges, and & Kathy Wilds sewed all the aprons. Job well done!

Ramona Lalka passed around worker sign-up sheets for our two Cider and Donut Sundays. Dates are October 15th and October 29th after both Masses. The money raised will be used to buy the fleece for next year’s blankets.

Ramona then introduced our speaker, Jo Ellen Streiter from the Toni and Trish House. The paid staff and volunteers from this facility care for the terminally ill. Care is provided at no charge. This home opened in 2008 with 12 guests (patients). In 2023 they will likely care for 150 people in their six-bedroom home. It takes 40 volunteers & hired staff per week to provide round-the-clock care for the terminally ill. There are also 17 different hospice agencies that provide care for their guests. After Jo Ellen’s presentation, Ramona presented her with a check from the Ladies of Blessed Sacrament to the Toni and Trish House.

Treasurer Tana Zemanek then gave the treasurer’s report and reported a balance of $17,220.67. Next month we will donate $1,000 each to 10 different charities. The nominated charities are the 10 non-profits to which we donated last year, the five that were on the ballot but not selected, and three additional charities suggested at last month’s meeting. Tana asked for any additional recommendations. The 18 charities are:

  • 1. Blessed Sacrament Emergency Fund
  • 2. Global Compassion
  • 3. Shelterhouse
  • 4. Toni & Trish House
  • 5. Sleep in Heavenly Peace
  • 6. Saginaw Emmaus House
  • 7. Midland Community Former Offenders Advocacy and Rehab
  • 8. Home to Stay
  • 9. Wings of Mercy
  • 10. Guatemalan Stove Project
  • 11. Camp Fish Tales
  • 12. Caregiving Network
  • 13. Saginaw East Side Soup Kitchen
  • 14. Midland County Emergency Food Pantry
  • 15. Tall in the Saddle
  • 16. The Bridge Food Center
  • 17. Gateway Family Urgent Care
  • 18. Phoenix Community Farms

Judy Kawiecki then led a team-building game called “Me Too” and read an inspirational message.

Please come to our next meeting on Tuesday, November 7th. Our speaker will be Amy Hovey from MyMichigan Health. Her topic will be “Suicide Prevention and Awareness”.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine White


Ladies of Blessed Sacrament Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, September 12th 2023

President Eileen Foster opened the meeting at 1:30 with a warm welcome to all. Prior to the business meeting, the 30 ladies present enjoyed a “chat & chew” (meet and greet) , a time to connect with each other over delicious snacks provided by Tana Zemanek, Ramona Lalka, Elaine White, and Anne Boyd. Our snack table was set up by Connie Latuszek and Dorothy Kociba.

The ladies brought a huge assortment of school supplies to the meeting which will be donated to Floyd Elementary in Bullock Creek.

We welcomed new members Janelle White, Julie Silvis, Linda Wilson, Joyce Cushman, Carol Osier, Gail Schroeder, and Joanne Dana. We wished a happy September birthday to Mary Derr (2nd) Susie Rademacher (12th), Helen Singer (12th) , Wendy Shields (16th), Naomi Granum (22nd) and Angela Buske (26th). Secretary Elaine White didn’t read the minutes of our last business meeting which was in April. Instead, a few printed copies of the minutes were on all the tables. Minutes previously posted online.

Tana Zemanek, Treasurer, reported our current balance is $16,311.17. The ladies will vote at our November meeting as to what 10 charities will receive $1,000 each. We work together throughout the year to make money, and then we donate money to better our community. In 2022 we donated $1,000 to these 10 charities: Blessed Sacrament Emergency Fund, Global Compassion, Shelterhouse, Toni & Trish House, Sleep in Heavenly Peace, Saginaw Emmaus House, Midland Community Former Offenders Advocacy and Rehabilitation, Home to Stay, Wings of Mercy, and the Guatemalan Stove Project. Charities on the ballot last year but didn’t receive funding were Camp Fish Tales, Caregiving Network, Saginaw East Side Soup Kitchen, Emergency Food Pantry, and Tall in the Saddle. Tana asked the members what additional charities should be considered to receive money in 2023. Members suggested the Bridge Food Center, Gateway Family Urgent Care, and Phoenix Community Farms.

Signup sheets were passed around for Cider and Donuts workers on October 15th and 29th, Blanket Making Days on October 11th and 18th, and for bringing snacks to our next meeting.

Ramona L introduced our speaker Deb Plaver from The Bridge Food Center, a 501©3 nonprofit grocery store which is run entirely by volunteers. This grocery store provides opportunities for lower income families to choose and purchase high quality groceries at low costs by providing goods at wholesale prices marked up by 5 cents. This store is located at 1539 Washington St in Midland. The Bridge welcomes individual volunteers or teams for three hour shifts with an experienced supervisor. Please contact Deb Plaver to volunteer. The Bridge has purchased the former Save-A-Lot at 1826 S Saginaw Rd so that they can expand their offerings and offer extended hours. They hope to open at the new location in early 2024. Ramona presented Deb a small personal gift and a check for the Bridge Food Center.

The ladies then played a fun game with a partner and then introduced their partner to the members. Many new interesting things were learned about each of us. Elaine White closed the meeting with an inspirational reading called “Smile”. Our next meeting is on Tuesday, October 3rd at 1:30. Please come.

Respectfully submitted, Elaine White, Secretary

Ladies of Blessed Sacrament – Meeting Minutes – March 1st 2022

President Eileen Foster called the meeting to order at 1:30. The ladies presented prayer intentions and a Hail Mary was said. Connie Latuszek, Dorothy Kociba, Agnes Brewer, Indira Oskvarek, Anne Boyd, and Elaine White provided refreshments for the 28 ladies in attendance. We welcomed these women attending for the first time: Mary Dorr, Stephanie Leibfritz, and Betsy O’Malley.

Elaine White read the secretary’s report from our February 1st meeting.

Treasurer Tana Zemanek reported our current balance is $5057.55. We normally donate money to different charities at our May luncheon but since our rummage sale won’t be held until June 6th-11th, we won’t decide amount of donations to what charities until fall 2022.

Anne Boyd said there are still openings for the Lenten Retreat at Blessed Sacrament on Saturday, March 5th from 9am – 2pm. You can register by calling the parish office at 989-835-6777.

Rummage Sale – June 6th-11th – We still need more volunteers. Invite your family and friends to help if even for an hour or two. Donations accepted starting Monday, June 06TH at 9 am. Set up and pricing will take place through Wednesday. Sale opens on Thursday, Friday is half price day, and Saturday until noon is bag day. All proceeds go to local charities. After our meeting, seven additional ladies signed up to help at the rummage sale.

Anne Boyd reported that the online tool, Perfect Potluck, is working great for recruiting food and workers for funeral lunches. At the last funeral lunch, we added four hot casserole dishes to our usual food requests. Casseroles were well received.

Indira Oskvarek from Global Compassion, Inc was our meeting’s speaker. Indira and her husband Ed founded Global Compassion, a non-profit, whose primary mission is to provide clean water to villages in India. Total donations received in 2021 were $335,409. A total of 71 bore wells were drilled in 2021 which provided water to 30,000 people. As many as 15,000 people in India benefitted from food packages delivered during the Covid Pandemic. For more information, visit to see what other assistance was provided with the $335,409 from the 2021 donations to Global Compassion. Only 2% of the amount raised went to administrative expenses. After Indira’s presentation, we presented her with an additional $161 for Global Compassion, Inc.

Our feature speaker was Betsy O’Malley, owner and instructor of Balanced Pilates & Wellness Boutique located at 810 & 818 E Ashman.  Betsy is a physical therapist and STOTT certified Pilate’s instructor.  There are many additional services offered at this business. For more information, go to  Betsy is a member of Blessed Sacrament.

Personal care items that many women brought to the meeting were delivered after the meeting to North Midland Family Center.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, April 5th at 1:30 pm. Please join us to hear Brian Rueger from “Sleep in Heavenly Peace” and Kelly Osborn from “Menu Manager”. If you are able, please bring twin bedding to donate to “Sleep in Heavenly Peace”.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine White

Ladies of Blessed Sacrament – Meeting Minutes Tuesday, February 1st

President Eileen Foster called the meeting to order at 1:30. Ramona Lalka, Anne Southworth, Connie Latuszek, & Dorothy Kociba provided snacks for the 19 ladies present at our meeting.

Donna St. John, director of Home to Stay (formerly Midland Area Homes) was our speaker. Donna told us that Blessed Sacrament was one of the original 10 churches that banded together in 1969 to address housing issues in our community. Home to Stay is the Housing Assessment and Resource Agency (HARA) for Michigan State Housing Development Authority (MISHDA). They help people connect with housing resources. MISHDA mandates eligibility criteria. MISHDA has federal funds available to help tenants facing hardships avoid eviction while also ensuring landlords can recoup owed rent through the Covid Emergency Rental Assistance (CERA) program. Home to stay received 800 applications for CERA grants. Home to Stay also has a home repair program where they assist homeowners with furnace and hot water repairs and with ramp builds. They have gotten out of the appliance repair business. Another agency, Pivot Point, will pick up used appliances. Home to Stay still picks up used furniture and redistributes to those in need. Donna said there is a housing shortage in Midland for all income brackets.

Eileen Foster thanked Linda Miles for making blankets from corners that we cut out from our blanket making sessions. These blankets are then donated to Care Giving Network.

Treasurer Tana Zemanek reported our current balance of $5729.57. Elaine White read the minutes from our November meeting.

Aimee Kopiwoda said Kathy & Dan Risch donated bins of yarn and crocheted items to the Assumption Stitch and Prayer group. We thank Kathy and Dan for their generosity.

Linda Graf reported on the Legacy Center’s second grade after school reading program where we provided snacks for 20 second grade students for two weeks in January.  Linda Graf and Anne Boyd are our current funeral lunch leaders. They have worked very hard to recruit new leaders. Women who have volunteered for funeral lunch leadership are Jill Kreusch, Cheryl Lane, Connie Messinger, and Stephanie Leibfritz. We have had 13 funeral lunches since July 26th when we resumed lunches after a Covid pause.

Indira and Ed Oskvarek are hosting a Valentine dinner  on Sunday, February 6th from 10 am to 2 pm at St. Brigid Church. Take outs will be available. The cost for the dinner is by donation to raise money for the residents of Mayfield KY who were affected by recent tornadoes. All are welcome.

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, March 1st at 1:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine White

Ladies of Blessed Sacrament Update 10/8

On October 5th, over 30 of our Ladies gathered for our October Meeting to enjoy each other’s smiles and positive energy.  Our Guest Speaker was Trisha Fenby, Community Engagement and Quality Assurance for The Arnold Center, accompanied by Camille Gerace Nitschky, Founder and Executive Director of Children’s Grief Center for the Greater Bay Region. Both Trisha and Camille are certified in The Science of Well Being and brought to us great, thought provoking information on well-being through positive psychology.  We realized that the information we allow our minds to take in effects our thoughts and our thoughts effect how we feel and that prayer effects everything positively. Trisha shared several personal- responsibility coping skills to creatively quell stress and frustration.  The information was priceless and presented in a very comfortable, absorbing way.
We thank Trisha and Camille!!  Trisha suggested that our monetary gift be sent to The Children’s Grief Center.

Susie Rademacher, Isabel Viges, Judy Greene, Sharon Capriccioso, Dorothy Kociba and Maria Quereizaeta brought delicious snacks laid out on the Autumn-themed tabled decorated by Dorothy Kociba and Connie Latuszek.

Thank you all for attending to make this event great.  Hope to see even more of our Ladies and friends on November 2nd.

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