Parish Golf Outing

Mark your calendars for Sunday, August 25 for the 4th Annual Blessed Sacrament Parish Golf Outing!

Date:August 25, 2024
Time:Shotgun Start @ 1:00 pm
Place:Currie Golf Course
1300 Currie Pkwy
Midland, MI 48640
Fee:$300.00 per team
(includes: cart & catered dinner)

Payment is due no later than August 19, 2024. Register below. Click here to pay online.

Format: The tournament will be played in a four-person scramble format.

"*" indicates required fields

Register Your Team!

Please provide contact information for your team captain. They will be contacted in case of rain or cancellation. The tournament will be played in a four-person scramble format.
Team Captain:*
Player 1 Name:
Player 2 Name:
Player 3 Name:
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Recap of Our Annual Taste of Summer Event

This past weekend, we hosted our much-anticipated annual Taste of Summer bike ride, and it was a fantastic success! About 30 enthusiastic participants joined us for a delightful day filled with biking, delicious food, and great company. All food donations will go to the Midland County Food Assistance Network.

The Ride

Our adventure began at the Tridge, a favorite local landmark known for its picturesque views and three-way wooden footbridge. From there, we embarked on a scenic 3-mile bike ride, enjoying the beautiful summer weather and the camaraderie of fellow cyclists. Even the youngest participants had fun making their way down the Rail Trail!

The Destination

Our destination was Cottage Creamery, where a world of summer treats awaited us. Participants had their choice of indulging in creamy, delicious ice cream from Cottage Creamery or savoring the smoky flavors of barbeque paired with refreshing beer from Midland Brewing Company. All the ice cream, both in a cone or dish, was delicious! 100% of ice cream eaters recommend. Fr. Rob recommends the OPE! Michigan Hopped IPA, the Glomski’s recommend the pulled pork nachos, and Kristyn enjoyed the refreshing Three Mile Marker Hefeweizen from Midland Brewing. Whether you opted for a sweet or savory treat, there was something for everyone to enjoy.

A Community Gathering

The event was more than just a bike ride; it was a celebration of our parish community for our parish feast day. It was wonderful to see both familiar faces and new ones, all coming together to share in the experience. The Body of Christ was on the move in downtown Midland!

Thank You!

We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us for this year’s Taste of Summer. Your participation and enthusiasm are what make events like this so memorable. We look forward to many more rides and gatherings in the future. Until then, keep biking and enjoying the tastes of summer!

Mark your calendars for June 22, 2025, for our next Taste of Summer bike ride. Happy summer to all!

Laidback Book Club

Tobit’s Dog

By Michael Nicholas Richard

Our next Laidback Book Club begins on March 18. We will be reading a fictional story: Tobit’s Dog by Michael Nicholas Richard. Please purchase a paper or digital copy and join us on Facebook or read along with us and then join in for a community discussion on Thursday, May 2nd at 7:00 in the parish library. Contact Christy for more information about how to join the group.

One quote from the book: “For whatever reason, be it the work of evil or pure chance, misfortune comes, but even with such misfortune God will knit something from which we might learn and be blessed. Of that you can be sure.” 

Lent 2024

Lent is a time of going very deeply into ourselves… What is it that stands between us and God? Between us and our brothers and sisters? Between us and life, the life of the Spirit? Whatever it is, let us relentlessly tear it out, without a moment’s hesitation.
~Catherine Doherty

Please consider joining us for prayer this season of Lent. Below you will find a list of prayer opportunities at the parish.


Wednesday & Thursday: 8:30 am
Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am (livestreamed)
Sunday: 11:00 am

Evening Prayer:

Wednesdays at 6:30 pm

Stations of the Cross:

Friday, February 16 at 7:00 pm
Fridays beginning February 23 at Noon


Communal Reconciliation

March 10 | 2:00 pm | Blessed Sacrament

Individual Reconciliation

First Saturday of the month at 2:30 pm.

Taize Prayer

Wednesday, March 13
Prayer at 6:30 pm

Holy Hour with Bishop Gruss

Wednesday, March 20
7:00 – 8:00 pm

2nd Stations of the Cross, Jesus is given his cross, Church of the Holy Trinity in Gemunden am Main, Bavaria, Germany

Around the MACC

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady of Grace
St. Brigid of Kildare

Fr. Rob’s Lent Challenge & 10 Ways to Rock It

No social media? What do I do?!

Embrace the opportunity! This is an opportunity to disconnect from your phone or computer and reconnect with the world. Enjoy nature. Focus on your prayer life. Enter into the silence. Practice mindfulness. Learn something new. There are many ways to fill your time where you might have been scrolling. See what Lent opportunities we have at Blessed Sacrament, and here are some other suggestions.

1. Focus on building positive habits

If you had to estimate – how much time do you spend scrolling on social media? 30 minutes a day? 1-2 hours a day? More? Did you know that it takes about 30 days to build a habit? If you give up social media for Lent, you can focus on cultivating positive habits like reading (or listening to) books for fun, going for walks, or practicing mindfulness. Lent is 40 days, so you could have a new habit or two by the end!

2. Connect with people in person

Do you know the names of your neighbors? Or what about the people who sit behind or in front of you at Mass? When was the last time you called a long-distance family member or friend? Take this time to reconnect with friends and family in person. Take time for face-to-face meetings or phone calls to strengthen those relationships. Introduce yourself to your neighbors at home or at Mass and ask them how they are doing.

3. Volunteer and give back

Find ways to give your time to worthy causes. Have you always wanted to volunteer at the Open Door? Now’s the time (Blessed Sacrament has a group that works at the Open Door regularly)! Find a cause you’re passionate about and give your time this Lent.

4. Journaling

Start a Lenten journal to document your 40 days without social media. Or record your thoughts, experiences, and reflections during this period. If you’re interested in going deeper, check out the guided autobiography program, Everybody has a Story, with Ansley Dauenhauer beginning on February 21!

5. Read spiritual or inspirational books

Choose books that align with your spiritual or personal development goals. Do you want to learn more about spirituality, the saints, living your faith, or maybe you’re struggling with your faith, there are books out there that can help you with that doubt and insecurity. Check below for recommendations from Fr. Rob and staff.

6. Learn a new skill

With your newfound free time, you could learn a new skill. It could be anything from learning an instrument, or a new language, or practicing new recipes. The sky is the limit on this one!

7. Physical activity

You could focus on your physical health through regular exercise (not just working your thumb by scrolling). Take a hike at City Forest, go for a bike ride down the rail trail, walk around your neighborhood or to the end of the driveway if you’re starting small, or any other form of physical activity that you enjoy.

8. Digital detox

The goal is not to replace one screen with another, so you might consider a broader digital detox. Limit your overall screen time and take breaks from other digital devices as well.

9. Practice gratitude

Develop a daily gratitude practice. This could be the foundation of your journaling practice. Reflect on the positive things in your life and express gratitude for them either in a journal or through an action that serves others. Here are some prompts to consider:

Morning Gratitude:

  • What are three things you’re grateful for as you start your day?

Daily Highlight:

  • Recall the best part of your day and express gratitude for that moment.

Small Pleasures:

  • Reflect on small, everyday pleasures that often go unnoticed. What are you thankful for today?

Challenges Turned Blessings:

  • Consider a recent challenge or obstacle. How did it turn into a blessing or an opportunity for growth?

Acts of Kindness:

  • Write about someone’s kindness that you experienced or witnessed. Express gratitude for that person’s actions.

10. Spend time in nature

Take advantage of the outdoors. Spend time in nature, whether it’s hiking, gardening, or simply enjoying a quiet moment in a park.

Ready, Set, Lent

Lent isn’t just about giving something up, but cultivating ways to grow closer to God, deepen your faith, and become a better version of yourself, so on Easter Sunday we truly feel newly alive, like we too, have risen from the grave with Christ!

If you’re still not sold on ghosting social media for Lent, here’s a post-Lent reflection from someone who did it and survived!

Book Recommendations

Fr. Rob’s Recommendations

Kristyn’s Recommendations

Christy’s Recommendation

Corinne’s Recommendations

Knights of Columbus 2024 Awards

The Blessed Sacrament Knights of Columbus council recently held their Anniversary dinner at the parish social hall. Knights from our council, Assumption, and St. Brigid enjoyed a potluck dinner of Italian dishes. During the dinner, presentations were made to honor the “Knight of the Year” and “Family of the Year”.

We are proud to announce that this year’s recipients are:

Knight of the Year: Tom Zajac. Tom is a founding member of our Council. He has been a hard-working and reliable member of the council for many years. Tom has been very involved in the “Wood for Warmth” program benefiting cancer patients and needy people who heat with wood. He’s always there when we are cutting, splitting, and delivering the wood. You can also count on Tom to help make the Knight’s soup suppers a success. Tom also coordinates our council blood drives with Versiti Blood Center. He is there at every drive making sure things run smoothly.

Family of the Year: John and Margie Hollingsworth. John coordinates putting up and taking down Christmas lights around the church. John and Margie provide soup for the Knight’s soup suppers and John is there to help with other projects that the Knights have. John and Margie also serve the parish at mass with Hospitality and being Eucharistic Ministers. For many years, John has been a member of the Men’s Christ Renews Team.

Please join the Knights in congratulating Tom, John, and Margie for their service in 2023!

A Message from Fr. Rob – Christ’s Mission Appeal

Supporting Faith, Building Community

The Christ’s Mission Appeal allows Catholics within the Diocese of Saginaw to express gratitude to God for His insurmountable blessings. Your openness to contribute to this appeal enables the ongoing and broader reach of diverse ministries to the faithful, all while actively participating in the mission of spreading the Gospel.

Both your financial contributions and your prayers for the mission of our esteemed diocese, as well as for the upcoming 2023 Christ’s Mission Appeal, are vital. Through these, we can collectively engage in meaningful “Kingdom Work.”


At the heart of the Diocese of Saginaw is a commitment to embody the teachings of Christ. The diocese’s mission statement is

Trusting in the Holy Spirit and nourished by the Eucharist, we, the faithful of
the Diocese of Saginaw, are companions on the journey to share the love of Jesus Christ.

Christ’s Mission Appeal is an initiative to reinforce this commitment by supporting various outreach programs, educational endeavors, and pastoral services. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and families within our diocese.

How You Can Contribute

Your generosity can make a significant difference. Join us in supporting Christ’s Mission Appeal through your donations. Every contribution, no matter the size, plays a crucial role in sustaining and expanding the mission.

Ways to Donate:

  • Online:
  • By Mail: Please complete the pledge card that is included in your Christ’s Mission Appeal mailing and return it in the envelope provided. Please return the pledge card to the Diocese of Saginaw.
  • In-Person: Checks can be dropped off in the baskets at Mass or at the Parish Center.

Joint Pastoral and Finance Councils Meeting Minutes | June 7, 2023

Blessed Sacrament Parish Joint Pastoral and Finance Councils Meeting Minutes | June 7, 2023 

Attendees: Annette Clark, Dick Dolinski, Joe Dostal, Kathy Fothergill, Pam Gandy, Fr. Rob Howe, Jim Marinek, Lyn Pajk, Jeff Paulus, Patrick Regier, Cathy Richard, Dennis Thiel, Barb Warczinsky 

Excused: Judy Gross, Dan Kozakiewicz, Jim Mahoney, Andy Pasztor, Kevin Spencer 


  • Meeting began at 6:34pm 
  • Jeff Paulus moved and Annette Clark seconded the approval of the minutes of the April 19, 2023 Pastoral Council meeting. The motion carried. 

Opening Comments—Fr. Rob and Patrick  

  • An agreement in principle has been reached with the city of Midland to accept the Blessed Sacrament playground as city property. The city will be responsible for all maintenance, liability, and any other obligations as sole owner. The current equipment has deteriorated, cannot be repaired, and must be replaced to meet current standards and mitigate potential future injury-related liability claims. In turn, the parish will provide funds not to exceed $200,000 to purchase new playground equipment to meet existing standards including Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements. Funds will come from COVID-related federal funds that have been received from the government by the parish. This is a “win-win” situation; the city (and the neighborhood) gets the playground as part of Wallen Park and the parish no longer has maintenance, insurance, and liability risk-exposure costs. 

Faith Formation—Lyn 

  • Lyn updated the Council on the various Faith Formation programs  including the following: 
  • Cedar Point Trip—45 youth are registered to date for the trip. 
  • Outreach—Justin is leading the trip leaving on June 11 with about 17 youth who will be working on four projects including a soup kitchen and fire damage repairs. 
  •  Planetarium Trip—visit to the Delta Planetarium in Bay City is scheduled for middle school students on June 14. Faith and science will be part of the discussion.  
  • Baptisms—Baptisms are up—described as “blocks of babies!” 
  • Vacation Bible School (VBS)—VBS is coming soon. About 70 youth are already registered. The program is in partnership with St. Brigid and Our Lady of Grace.  
  • Adult Faith Formations—The program is proceeding well. 12 new small faith groups have been formed. A current project is making prayer beads. Another session of Theology By The Glass is scheduled for June 14.  
  • Corpus Christi Bike Ride—The annual “procession” will be the bike ride from the Tridge to the Cottage Creamery on June 8.  
  • Garden Stroll—Four parishioners’ houses will be open for a stroll through their gardens at the end of this month. 
  • Emily Janoch Presentation—Greg and Nancy Janoch’s daughter, Emily, is employed by CARE working on various projects assisting the poor. She has just returned from a project in Ethiopia and will be speaking about her experiences there at the Parish Center on June 27 at 1:00-2:30pm. 
  • “Kingdom Builders” will be the theme for next year’s programs 
  • Organization Changes—With Lyn’s retirement, Justin Rose will become the Director of Youth Programs and Christy Granda has been hired to be the Director for Adult Programs. She will begin on June 22. 

Finance Update—Patrick 

  • Patrick reported on Parish finances through the period ending May 31, 2023. The balance sheet increased by $652K to a total of $2.84 million largely due to a $333K payment from the federal COVID program, the $187K bequest from the Glenn Waters Estate, and higher weekend collections. 
  • The Christian Service Commission outreach balance was reduced reflecting the payment of $125K made to 50 different recipient non-profit organizations. 
  • Weekend collections through the end of May are up $75K over budget. Overall expenses are higher than the budget by $23K driven primarily by increased utility costs and a CMA deficit of between $30-45K.  
  • The 2023-24 budget was approved by the Finance Council at their last meeting in May. It calls for Revenues of $1.7 million and an “Operating” surplus (excluding Major Expenditures) of $136K. This is an increase of $11K from last year. Wages are projected to increase 6% and Benefits by 4% while other expenses are expected to remain flat. An overall budget Revenue less Expenses shortfall of $64K is planned after anticipated expenses of $136K for Major Expenditures.  

Roundtable Updates 

  • Annette—reported that “One Week, One Street” program is underway. 
  • Jim and Barb—expressed heartfelt appreciation to Lyn for all of her contributions to the parish with her many skills, competencies, and enthusiasm along with her unique joy-filled personality. They wished her well and Godspeed in her future endeavors. 
  • Barb—reported on the CRHP 17 celebration at Richard’s home and their desire to keep the effort moving forward. An 85-year-old woman is interested in participating next year. 
  • Lyn—had the last word (as usual?) 😀 She thanked the Council members for the gift of their time and for being the first line of parish support. She urged the Council to continue doing what St. Mother Teresa always advocated, viz., “do small things with great love!” 
  • The next meeting of the Pastoral Council will be held on September 6.  

The meeting was adjourned at 7:19 pm followed by refreshments in honor of Lyn. 

Wednesday Morning Scripture Study

You are invited to join us from 9:30-11:00 on Wednesday mornings.

On Wednesdays beginning September 13th from 9:30-11:00 am, we will be diving into Little Rock’s Scripture Study’s The Gospel According to John Part One.  This covers the magnificent prologue of John’s Gospel and a portion of Jesus’ ministry filled with the signs of his divine nature.

The cost of the book is $12, and you may drop by the Faith Formation office to sign up and pick up your book.   

About The Gospel According to John Part One

The Gospel of John is a testament to the divine nature of Jesus, the Word made flesh, the Light of the World. Part One of our study (John 1-10) covers the magnificent prologue of John’s Gospel and a significant portion of Jesus’ ministry. This ministry is highlighted by miraculous “signs” that reveal Jesus’ true nature and his relationship with the Father.

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