Lent is a time of going very deeply into ourselves… What is it that stands between us and God? Between us and our brothers and sisters? Between us and life, the life of the Spirit? Whatever it is, let us relentlessly tear it out, without a moment’s hesitation.
Please consider joining us for prayer this season of Lent. Below you will find a list of prayer opportunities at the parish.
Wednesday & Thursday: 8:30 am
Saturday: 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am (livestreamed)
Sunday: 11:00 am
Evening Prayer:
Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Stations of the Cross:
Friday, February 16 at 7:00 pm
Fridays beginning February 23 at Noon
Communal Reconciliation
March 10 | 2:00 pm | Blessed Sacrament
Individual Reconciliation
First Saturday of the month at 2:30 pm.
Taize Prayer
Wednesday, March 13
Prayer at 6:30 pm
Holy Hour with Bishop Gruss
Wednesday, March 20
7:00 – 8:00 pm
Around the MACC
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Our Lady of Grace
St. Brigid of Kildare