Faith today
Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)
Faith is both a gift of God and a human act by which the believer gives personal adherence to God. It is to believe in something or someone, to fully trust and be so confident that you base your actions on what you believe.
Faith in God then, is having the kind of trust and confidence in God that leads you to commit your whole life and soul to God. Our post-modern world challenges this faith in things unseen, instead positing that reality is only what can be experienced through the senses and verified by scientific processes. Denials of the existence of God and life after death are hallmarks of this contemporary rationalist philosophy.
Instinctively, human beings know that there is more to life than briefly dancing across the stage of life. Christian faith asserts that there is a loving Creator who desires that our lives reach their ultimate fulfilment in eternity.
Faith in God develops within one’s spirit and establishes a certain inner knowing that something is so before you see any material evidence. This spiritual knowing is of the heart and soul not merely the intellect. It is a call to do and say what you believe you are called to without doubting. Faith can bring ultimate blessings as well as challenges and difficulties.