Attendees: Fr. Rob Howe, Pat Regier, Pam Gandy, Judy Gross, Andy Pasztor, Bob Gamm, Kevin Spencer, Mike Ericson, Dan Kozakiewicz, Kathy Fothergill
Reported by: Fothergill
First Quarter Financial Results: Net Assets increased by $32K during the quarter. The Parish Fund increased by $14K, due to CSA rebate of $7K and lower than planned expenses in most categories. CSA excess contributions for the current year are expected to be approximately $40K, compared with $66K the prior year. CSA rebates of excess contributions are not included in the budget. Fr. Rob commented that CSA funding has challenges because of negative reports about the Church in general, not specific to Blessed Sacrament. Memorial Fund increased by $2K because of donations. Christian Service Fund activity reflects expenditures for emergency assistance payments. Payments this quarter have been lower than both budget and corresponding quarter last year. Reduction in Major Expenditure Fund reflects HVAC Control Upgrade of $36.3K net of a $25K donation. Weekend Collections for the first quarter fell $19K short of budget, but have picked up somewhat in October.
Fall Stewardship Campaign Update: Little Burgundy Book (four weeks of stewardship reflections) and letter were mailed this week. Mid-November we will send 2020 pledge card and Time & Talent survey via Flocknotes. Prior to that, Fr. Rob will send a video stewardship message. Fr. Rob told the Council that stewardship should address all three elements – time, talent and treasure. We need to take care of the parish, each other, and our community.
Facilities Update:
Church HVAC Upgrade was completed at a cost of $36.3K (partially offset by a $25K donation). We received a $9K rebate from Consumers Energy. We are having some reliability issues with the system, and JE Johnson has not been responsive. ControlNET of Grand Rapids will review the project (JE Johnson will cover these costs). Also, over the summer, repairs were made to the parking lot catch basins – concrete and new collars at a cost of $10.4K
Church Roof – We have hired Dave Tagget (architect and liturgical consultant). We have received approval from the Diocesan Building Commission to proceed with bid process. Drawings and specifications will be released for bids by January 9th. Project is for a 20 year roof under two alternative systems: Duro-Last and Firestone TPO. Target is to get the new roofing system in place next fall. Current roof is 18 – 19 years old (15 year warranty has expired), and has some areas of concern.
Two members of the Pastoral Council requested that we explore purchasing outdoor electronic displays for church and school. Patrick received a preliminary estimate of $30K for one sign, $50K for two signs. Given the decline in parish revenue over the last few years, the Finance and Asset Council felt that the signs were not a priority expenditure at this time, but we can add it to the Major Expenditures list for future consideration.
The Asset Team will do a parish walk-around next month. Mike mentioned that there may still be incentives available from Consumers Energy for efficient lighting projects.
Patrick – There is a meeting scheduled with the Diocesan Superintendant of Schools on school tuition plans (he is already aware of the plans). School principal is preparing communication plans for both school and non-school families. Plans will likely include a couple of town hall meetings to provide the opportunity for parents and parishioners to get more information. We have entered into an agreement with FACTS to provide tuition billing/tracking and independent financial aid assessment.
Patrick – October count is underway. First two weeks are relatively flat with last year.
Fr. Rob – We will need to change the summer collection estimates for next year’s budget – this year’s were not realistic.
Andy – We should look at installing screens or grates on the air intake vents located under the altar platform along the church floors. Sacramental ministers have occasionally dropped things that could fall into the vents.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.