
Fr. Rob Howe, Pat Regier, Andy Pasztor, Kathy Fothergill, Judy Gross, Dan Kozakiewicz, Kevin Spencer, Mike Erickson,  Pam Gandy

Reported by : Pasztor

Opening comments:  Fr. Rob had a few comments on finances

  • He continues to be pleasantly surprised by the weekly collections. Despite the lower than average attendance due to Covid the weekly collections remain strong.
  • The parish’s participation in Christ Mission has still not met 100% of target.
  • The new camera system in church for broadcasting Mass and other events has been well received. It has been so well received that someone who use the system recently made a donation to pay for most of the new system.

Financial Results:    Patrick shared the financial results and fund balances through March 31, 2021.  The parish net assets increase by $268k.  This is a combination of higher than expected weekend collections and having the entire Paycheck Protection Program loan of $246k forgiven.  $200k was put towards major expenditures funds.  Expenses across most categories were lower than plan.

Christian service grants made in this quarter totaled $115K to approximately 50 organizations.  This is the 40th year grants have been made totaling $2.9MM over that time.   We continue to make emergency support payments of about $25k per year.  We continue to fund projects at about 8% of our Sunday collections.

Results for this quarter will be shared with the parish by a flocknote message.

Weekend collections continue to exceed plan for the year.  As we are in the last quarter Patrick will prepare the budget for the next fiscal year and report at one of next meetings.

Christ mission appeal is at 93% of target ($205,734).  Reminders by both the diocese and the parish have been sent. Fr. Rob said a reminder will be used in the televised mass to remind people to participate.   No date for the 2021 appeal has been sent.  This will be the first time in many years we have not met our goal.  Since the diocese and not the parish is managing the program this year we have not had the personal contact we have had in the past.

School Building Update:  Three Rivers constriction did an evaluation of the school building.  No major structural problems were found. Areas of concern are the restrooms, electrical and age of the heating system.

Fr. Rob has put together a team to explore uses for the building.  Team includes Jeff Paulus, Dick Dolinski, Maureen Donker, Kristyn Russell and Mary Shaughnessy.  He has asked the team to present 3 options.  Ground rules of the options are:

  • It should be ministerial in nature
  • Not intended to make money (revenue neutral)
  • Something that parishioners could participate in if they wanted to Work with organizations in the area. More on this to follow.

Initial use of the School building is an agreement made with a Uganda mission group (Agape Community Transformation) to use one of the rooms as a warehouse.  This group sells products from Africa with the proceeds going to support an orphanage in Uganda.  The council members supported this. It will be shared with the parish in an upcoming bulletin.

Facilities Update:  Completed projects include the Church roof replacement and the Livestream Camera equipment in the church.

Currently a number of smaller concrete projects are underway including the west entrance to the parish center and filling some cracks in the parking lot.

Church Pews Restoration:  The Asset sub-team examined the condition of the pews in church and recommended that they need to be restored. They are the original pews for 1966 and have never been updated.

The parish staff obtained two bids for this job.

 Quality Wood Products from Ubly MI came in at $153,085.  Hensler Furniture, Saginaw MI came in at $194,400. Bid Summary

Contractor Bid Kneelers Terrazzo Floors Total
Quality Wood Products – Ubly, Michigan $112,550 20,535 $20,000 153,085
Hensler Furniture  –  Saginaw, Michigan $174,400 ? $20,000 194,400


QWP is lowest bid and will include the kneelers. Hensler Furniture bid did not include the kneelers. There is a 10 year limited warranty on all workmanship, wood and wood finishes.

Conclusion / Recommendation – Select Quality Wood Products. Estimate start date of January 2022.Pews will be removed, restored, and re-installed by section. Will take 8 weeks to complete.

The Quality Wood Products bid included refinish the pews and the kneelers and cleaning/polishing the Terrazzo floors under the pews. The Hensler did not include refurbishing the kneelers.

Quality Wood Products estimates it will take 8 weeks to perform the work.  Current scheduling would be for early 2022.  They would do one section at a time so the church is still usable for mass.

The staff recommended we accept the bid from Quality Wood Products.

The Finance Council voted unanimously to accept the recommendation to approve the bid from Quality Wood Products.

The next step is to obtain the Bishop’s approval.


Round Table:  No questions or discussion was brought up at this time.


Meeting adjourned at 8:25 pm.


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